April 3, 2023

Vicarious Trauma, Trauma Informed Care, and Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement (POST)

Vicarious Trauma, Trauma Informed Care, and Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement

POST# 1344-10875

Vicarious Trauma, Trauma Informed Care, and Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement

8-hours Onsite

Active police shooter
Probation 1

No one in the criminal justice system is immune from the impact of trauma, whether they are an officer, victim, suspect, or person inside of the probationary/correctional system.  This 8-hour Trauma-Informed Care and Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement course is designed to help the those in law enforcement to include Patrol, Investigations, Dispatchers, Jailers, Probation Officers, and Correctional Officer probation officer understands and addresses the effects of trauma.

This course will further address the topic of Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement personnel and how we can identify and help those that may be in crisis.  By virtue of the job, law enforcement is exposed to trauma daily and cannot just turn it off, which means that it can also spill over into their personal lives.  In a culture where mental health issues were once seen as a sign of weakness, we know how important it is to educate staff on.

Through group discussion, videos, and group activities, students will learn what traumatic events are, how people can experience traumatic events in different ways, how they can be re-traumatized, and how trauma can significantly impact our physical and mental health. Students will also learn how to recognize and address potential issues that may lead to self-injury or suicide.  The goal is to help our staff and create a more well-informed physical and emotional life.

Course Topics Include:

  1. Describing traumatic events
  2. How we experience traumatic events
  3. How we respond to traumatic events
  4. Describing suicidal behavior
  5. Assessing for level of crisis
  6. Identifying what is self-care
  7. Identify tools and resources for mental health