August 27, 2023

Active Shooter Survival Employee Training (ASSET)

Active Shooter Survival Employee Training (ASSET)


Active Shooter Survival Employee Training (ASSET)

4-Hour Onsite Training


Active Shooter Survival Employee Training (ASSET)

**Be Prepared, Not Scared**

While the thought of an active shooter situation can be terrifying, being prepared can empower individuals and organizations. With the proper training, both you and your team will have the tools and confidence needed to respond effectively, potentially saving your life and others.

So, how can you get these tools? Choose the LETS onsite, 4-hour Active Shooter Survival Employee Training (ASSET) course to be equipped and empowered for the unlikely event of a shooting.

Why is Active Shooter Training Essential for All Organizations?

In an era where safety and security are paramount, no organization is exempt from potential threats. From corporate environments to educational institutions and places of worship, the risk of an active shooter situation is real and ever-present. No week goes by that there isn't another shooting spoken about in the news. Here's why active shooter training is crucial for all:

Startling Statistics:

FBI yearly stats
  • Over the past decade, active shooter incidents have increased significantly.
  • Active shooter incidents in workplaces have caused substantial casualties, affecting employees, customers, and other innocent bystanders.
  • Schools and universities have not been immune, with numerous high-profile incidents causing grief and trauma to communities.
  • Sacred spaces, such as churches and temples, which once were considered safe havens, have sadly not been spared, with several attacks recorded in recent years.

**LETS: The GOLD Standard in Active Shooter Training**

At LETS, we recognize that preparation can make all the difference. Here's why our training is the best choice for your organization:

Expertise: Our training team comprises professionals from local and federal law enforcement. You're not just getting a training course; you're gaining the wisdom and experience firsthand from those who've faced these situations.

SWAT & Emergency Management Experience: Many of our trainers have been active members of SWAT Teams and have in-depth experience in emergency management. This experience and expertise ensure that our training programs are based on theory, real-world scenarios, and tactical responses.

Comprehensive Training: LETS takes a 360-degree approach to the training. The training covers:

  • Review of past mass shootings: who was the shooter, motives, police response, lessons learned.
  • Profile of the active shooter: personality characteristics, use of social media, and reasons for committing the shooting.
  • Preparing and Mitigating the Active Shooter Incident: Vulnerability assessments and best practices and training.
  • What to do during the event of an active shooter: Incident and personnel assessment, personal actions, use of cover and concealment, handling injured, and what to do when law enforcement arrives.
  • Short- and Long-Term planning for staff after an incident.
  • Scenario-based training to practice lessons learned with interactive debriefing.

Again, "Be Prepared, Not Scared"

While the thought of an active shooter situation can be terrifying, being prepared can empower individuals and organizations. With the proper training, you can provide your team with the tools and confidence they need to respond effectively, potentially saving lives.

Contact LETS today to discuss bringing the Active Shooter Survival Employee Training (ASSET) to your company or facility for your team at (714) 845-9726 or e-mail us at