March 20, 2019

Racism and Racial Profiling in the Workplace

This course is an interactive

examination of racism through history; understanding the various races and cultures, and diversity of each; validity and application of perception; observations and implications of racial motivation through social media; the students will be able to identify the factors associated with each and break those barriers within one’s self and the clients that they serve.

Course topics include training on:

  • The history of Civil Rights in America;
  • Defining different cultures and the subgroups of each in terms of race, religion, and ethnic beliefs;
  • Describing the need for cultural diversity in society;
  • Identifying the role of perceptions and stereotypes;
  • Explaining how racial profiling is not the only way to effective service in the workplace;
  • Explore how social media can have a direct impact on racism and racial profiling through misrepresentation; and
  • How we can have a more effective community through a better understanding of the clients, their culture, and their backgrounds.
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