December 31, 2020

Psychosis and Delirium, Excited? (STC)

Psychosis and Delirium, Excited?

STC # 04803063

Psychosis and Delirium, Excited?

8-hours Online/Remote or Onsite

Excited Delirium

This course provides the student with the tools to recognize and handle the possible client that may be under the influence of a drug that may cause psychosis or delirium, also referred to as Excited Delirium.  This is a topic that is still debated, but we are seeing cases each day where people are exhibiting inappropriate behavior towards officers and agent of probation, parole, and corrections with the potential to cause great bodily harm.

Course topics includes training on:

  • Defining the excited delirium episode
  • Common signs and symptoms of someone in a delirium state
  • The Stages of the Excited Delirium event
  • Best practices for handling people involved in a delirium state
  • Legal considerations for the agent, officer, and client/victim
  • History of psychosis and associated behaviors