Kevin LaPyrne
Trainer/Curriculum Designer
Kevin La Pyrne has over 32 years of law enforcement experience. He worked several different assignments and worked his way up from a Deputy Sheriff to Captain, overseeing the Training Division before retiring. The assignments that Kevin worked on included Field Operations, Canine Handler Operations deployed with the Narcotics and Special Weapons and Tactic (SWAT) units of the Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB), Field and Advanced Officer Trainings, Vehicle Operations, De-escalation tactics, Recruiting, and Human Resources. Kevin and his K9, Kai were Narcotic and SWAT deployment trained and certified.
Kevin is also Basic Academy and Advanced Officer Training Instructor at the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Rancho Santiago Community College. Through his excellent communication skills, he can connect with the new recruits and share the many decades of training and experience that he brings to each class that he teaches. It is this real-life experience that allows him to relate how things are in the field to the lessons learned in the academy, making the officers and deputies the best public servants possible.
Kevin holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration from California Coast University. Additionally, he holds Advanced Management Certificates from the Harvard Business School, University of Southern California-Price, and Brandman University.